An immigration document granted by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) allows an international student to study in Canada.​

Learn what is a Student Permit is and how to qualify for it

Canada boasts an outstanding, world-class educational system. Student admissions have increased dramatically, and both schools and the government have responded by opening their doors to anyone wishing to study in Canada. The student has traditionally been viewed as a desirable potential permanent resident by the Canadian government. As a student, you have been educated in the Canadian educational system and have taken the time to learn about Canada as a nation. You will be given the option to work and then apply for Permanent Residence, allowing the next generation of Canadians to begin their experience in Canada by attending an academic institution.

Anyone who wishes to apply for a student visa must be able to:

  • Demonstrate that they intend to study and that they will return home after their studies are completed.
  • Have been admitted into a Designated Learning Institution for study after meeting the entry requirements.
  • Be able to demonstrate that they have the financial resources to pay for their education and living expenses while attending the institution.
  • Must be a law-abiding citizen with no criminal record who poses no threat to Canada’s security.
  • You must be in the good physical condition and willing to undergo a medical checkup.

No country does it better than Canada when it comes to foreign student immigration and educational possibilities. A large number of international students have selected Canada as their study destination, with over 350,000 international students enrolled each year. When you consider what Canada has to offer in terms of education, it’s easy to see why overseas students are drawn to the country. The level of education in Canadian schools is outstanding, yet tuition is quite low.

If you want to have a consultation or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:

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